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Asked by: Gilma Meijers
medical health first aidHow do you prevent someone from getting electrocuted?
- Learn how electricity works. The first step inpreventing a dangerous situation is to understand the causeof electric shock.
- Know your limits.
- Find out electricity requirements.
- Turn the electricity off.
- Cover sockets and outlets.
- Install GFCI breakers and outlets.
- Avoid common mistakes.
- Avoid water.
Accordingly, how can you prevent getting electrocuted?
- Never mix water and electricity.
- Pay attention to what your appliances are telling you.
- Install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI).
- 4. Make sure you're using the right size circuit breakers andfuses.
- Protect kids with outlet covers.
Considering this, can you touch someone being electrocuted?
If you touch a person being electrocuted,you will get an electric shock too, and may also be injured.The BEST thing to do is to turn the power off. People whohave been electrocuted are likely to have breathing problemsand heart failure.
Safety Precautions Never work with water nearby. Remember, water andelectricity do not mix. Make sure your hands and surroundingarea are dry before working on your electrical products.Always turn the power off before working on theproduct.