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Asked by: Merete Aichmuller
education homeschoolingHow do you promote good attendance at school?
- Make school a welcoming and engaging place.
- Connect with at-risk students.
- Involve parents.
- Award PBIS points for attendance achievements.
- Focus on attendance schoolwide.
Subsequently, one may also ask, what is good attendance at school?
An attendance rate of 95% is generallyconsideredgood; this allows for children to miss 9.5 daysacross theschool year. Persistent absence (PA) is defined asanattendance rate of 90% or below.
Just so, why is good attendance important in school?
The attendance rate is importantbecausestudents are more likely to succeed in academics when theyattendschool consistently. It's difficult for the teacherand theclass to build their skills and progress if a large numberofstudents are frequently absent. School budgets maysufferwhen students don't attend.
3 strategies for reducing chronic absenteeism in schoolsanddistrict-wide
- Nurture a culture of attendance. Set a measurable goalforimproved attendance.
- Catch problems early.
- Create a more positive school culture and a focus onengaginginstruction.