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Asked by: Antenor Milford
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow do you pronounce Nayeli?
Pronunciation: (nah-jelly) as in "naw" i don't want "jelly" in my sandwich.
Furthermore, is Nayeli a Mexican name?
Etymology & Historical Origin of the Baby Name Nayeli Nayeli means 'I love you' in the Zapotec language. Present day native Zapotec language speakers number around half a million. Nayeli is not ranked in Mexico as a given name.
In this way, what does Nayeli stand for?
Nayeli means "I love you" in the language of the Zapotec Indians of Mexico.
(apple tree) ? (vegetable) ? (summer) ? (beautiful, what, many) ? (south) ? (seven) ? (name)