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Asked by: Yakeline Rutschke
hobbies and interests jewelry makingHow do you pronounce the French word for sister?
Soeur is the French word for sister and ispronounced like the English word 'sir,' with an emphasis onthe 'r' sound.
Herein, what is the word sister in French?
French word for sister is la soeur -YouTube.
Just so, is Sister in French masculine or feminine?
Family Vocabulary in French
Masculine | Feminine | Plural |
L'époux [husband] | L'épouse [wife] | |
Le mari [husband] | La femme [wife] | |
Le beau-père [father-in-law] | La belle-mère [mother-in-law] | Les beaux-parents [parents-in-law] |
Le beau-frère [brother-in-law] | La belle-soeur [sister-in-law] | Les beaux frères et soeurs [siblings-in-law] |
soeur Noun. soeur, la ~ (f) sister, the ~Noun. - a female person who has the same parents as anotherperson.