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Asked by: Veselin Benbrahim
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do you protect bugs from citrus trees?
Similarly, it is asked, what can I spray on citrus for bugs?
Chemical Control of Whiteflies, Leafminers, Mealybugs, & Aphids: Horticultural oil sprays will control whiteflies, mealybugs, and aphids, but not leafminers. On citrus trees, apply horticultural oil sprays when pests are present, and when temperatures are between 45 and 85 ºF.
Also question is, how do you protect lemon trees from insects?
Spraying in winter: Should scale and aphids become a problem during winter, spray lemon trees with a canola-oil-based organic spray. Aphids can also be sprayed off with a strong jet of water or, in the case of young trees, rubbed off with your fingers.
When these pests attack the lemon tree, applying certain sprays will help control the problem and protect the fruit.
- Oil Spray. Neem oil and horticultural oil are two pesticides that will control both insects and fungal diseases.
- Insecticidal Soap.
- Copper Fungicide.
- Bacterium Insecticide.