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Asked by: Barka Adodurov
home and garden landscapingHow do you protect fruit tree roots from gophers?
- Just bend the wire cloth to the diameter you want for your tree roots and cut from the rest of the roll.
- The bigger diameter, the more of the roots you will protect, but the bigger the hole will have to be.
- You can use wire cutters or metal cutting scissors to cut the wire hard wire cloth.
Accordingly, how do you protect plant roots from gophers?
Humane and effective, these sturdy baskets are superior to chicken or aviary wire for barring gophers from your plant's roots. DIY pest control is easy - just set the basket in the plant hole with the green wire above-ground to block the overland route. Put the plant inside, backfill with soil and you're done.
Keeping this in consideration, can Gophers kill fruit trees?
Gophers can indeed damage roses as well as fruit trees, garden vegetables, flowers, and even agricultural crops. In addition to damage to plants, gophers can damage underground irrigation systems, utility cables, and can cause enhanced soil loss by erosion.
The best bait for gophers is fresh and succulent portions of vegetable roots and stems, or any part of their agricultural favorite plant, alfalfa. Carrot sticks, celery sticks, apples, and peanut butter are all highly attractive to gophers.