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Asked by: Ivailo Mehler
medical health lung and respiratory healthHow do you protect yourself from fire smoke?
- Be prepared for wildfires.
- Check local air quality reports.
- Consult local visibility guides.
- Keep indoor air as clean as possible if you are advised tostayindoors.
- Avoid activities that increase indoor pollution.
- Prevent wildfires from starting.
Similarly, how can we protect ourselves from smoking?
Monitor local air quality reports. Keep doors andwindowsclosed as much as possible. Don't worsen indoor air qualitybyburning candles, smoking, or using fireplaces or gasstoves.Talk to your doctor about what you can do to protectyourselffrom breathing problems.
People also ask, what can smoke from a fire do to you?
Inhaling smoke for a short time cancauseimmediate (acute) effects. Inhaling fine particles cancausea variety of health effects, including respiratory irritationandshortness of breath, and can worsen medical conditionssuchas asthma and heart disease.
9 Ways to Detox Your Lungs After Smoke Inhalation
- Drink LOTS of Water.
- Drink Hot Liquids…tea and broth are both good.
- Use a Saline Nasal Spray.
- Rinse Your Sinuses with a Neti Pot.
- Breath in Steam with Thyme.
- Get a Vitamin Rich IV Drip.
- Load Your Diet with Ginger.
- Increase Your Vitamin C Intake.