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Asked by: Yasmina Grohovsky
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you purify your drinking water if it is not safe?
If you don't have safe bottledwater and if boiling is not possible, youoften can make small quantities of filtered and settledwater safer to drink by using a chemical disinfectantsuch as unscented household chlorine bleach.
In this manner, how do you purify water in an emergency?
How to use iodine properly to purify water, according tothe CDC:
- Add five drops of 2 percent tincture of iodine to each quart orliter of water that you are disinfecting.
- If the water is cloudy or colored, add 10 drops of iodine.
- Stir and let the water stand for at least 30 minutes beforeuse.
- Boiling. This is a reliable way to purify water.
- Use of Iodine solution, tablets or crystals. This is aneffective and more convenient method.
- Use chlorine drops. Chlorine has the ability to kill bacteriain water.
- Use water filter.
- Use Ultraviolet Light.
Likewise, people ask, how long should water be boiled to purify it?
1 minute
Non-potable water is untreated water fromlakes, rivers, groundwater, natural springs, and untested groundwells.
- Add 1/8 teaspoon (8 drops) of unscented household bleach to 1gallon (16 cups) of water.
- Mix the water and bleach well.
- Allow the water to sit for at least 30 minutes before drinkingor using it.