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Asked by: Yarisa Haneman
style and fashion natural and organic beautyHow do you put a belt on a Kirby?
Subsequently, question is, why does my Kirby belt keep breaking? Kirby Vacuum cleaner belt keeps breaking If too much hair, string, or lint is caught in the brushroll, the brushroll can get stuck. If the brushroll is stuck, it will put too much strain on the belt and may cause the belt to break.
Why does my Kirby vacuum smell like burning rubber?
Accordingly, do all Kirby vacuums use the same belt?
All Kirby vacuums use the same size belt for the brush roller. This vac belt will fit every Kirby vacuum model roller brush, including: Avalir 2. Avalir.
Furthermore, are all Kirby belts the same?
All Kirby #301291 belts, are the same same quality Kirby belt, regardless of whether the printing on the belts is yellow or white. Importantly, these Kirby diamond edition belts are easy to install in your vacuum cleaner.
It's probably just the belt has stretched or your brush roll has clogged. Install a new belt and remove the end caps one at a time and clean out any debris.