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Asked by: Jacek Schleeweiss
medical health bone and joint conditionsHow do you put a deer skull on a plaque?
Considering this, how do you attach a skull to a plaque?
the best way to attach a skull to a plaque for aeuro mount. In the back of the skull, just below hole thatconnects the brain to the spine, the bone is fairly thick. Drill avery small pilot hole there, then just attach to your panelusing a 3" drywall screw.
- Skin the deer skull with a sharp knife and use pliers for organremoval.
- Immerse the skull in hot water and simmer it for 2-3hours.
- Remove the flesh while the skull is still warm.
- Wash out the entire skull with cold water.
- Soak the skull in an enzyme-bleach powder for 3 days.
Then, how do you cook a deer skull?
When you've got as much tissue out as possible, coverthe skull — not the antlers — with water and afew tablespoons of Amway dishwashing powder or its equivalent. Boilor, better yet, simmer the skull for about 1-1/2 hours (lessfor a small deer, as too much boiling can loosen thefragile bone connections).
The most common method of mounting deer antlerson a plaque involves keeping the antlers intact with theskull plate. In this case, you remove the antlers,keeping them connected to the skull plate, by sawing downinto the skull in front of both antlers and justbehind the eye sockets.