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Asked by: Alaa Jalamov
healthy living womens healthHow do you put a tampon in for the first time?
- Helpful? Buy tampons.
- Insert the tampon when your flow is moderatetoheavy.
- Wash your hands.
- Open the tampon wrapper with dry hands.
- Sit or stand in a comfortable position.
- Hold the tampon with the fingers you write with.
- Find your vagina.
- Carefully place the top of the tampon intoyourvagina.
Regarding this, is it normal to feel a tampon for the first time?
A tampon may hurt the first time you trytoinsert it, but it shouldn't be bad. You shouldn't feelitonce it's in, so if there still is pain or discomfort, you maynothave inserted it correctly. That's okay, like any new skill itmaytake practice to get it right.
Similarly one may ask, how do you put in a tampon without it hurting?
Insert the tampon. Use the index finger of the hand holdingthetampon to gently push on the smaller tube. Push gentlyuntilyou feel a bit of resistance or the inner tube is completelyin theouter tube. Use your thumb and middle finger to pull out bothtubeswithout touching the string.
Yes, you can, but you should use atampon.If you're just hanging out by the pool, youcan use apad, but I would wear shorts or a cover-up overyourswimsuit bottoms. Pads are absorbent, and the stickypartwill likely fail if you wear it in the water, soIwouldn't wear one if you're actuallygoingswimming.