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Asked by: Rossmery Mull
hobbies and interests needleworkHow do you put fringe on a fabric scarf?
Similarly, how much fabric is needed for a scarf? For the adult size scarf you need just 1 yard of 42″ fabric. If you have it straight off the bolt, it will be folded in half at the top. Cut along the fold line, so you will have two pieces. They'll be about 26″ tall by 1 yard long.
How do you make a fringe without cutting it?
Regarding this, how do you make a fabric scarf?
Method 1 Sewing an Infinity Scarf
- Get 1.5 yards (1.4 m) of fabric.
- Cut the fabric to the desired length and width.
- Set your sewing machine.
- Fold the fabric in half lengthwise with the printed sides facing each other.
- Sew a few inches in and then backstitch a few stitches.
- Sew along the pinned edges.
Then, how do you attach a fringe?
Insert a crochet hook from the wrong side to the right side at the point you want the fringe. Grab the folded yarn with the hook and pull it part way through to form a loop. Make sure you pull through all the strands. Pull the ends of the fringe through this loop with your fingers or a hook.
- Start with hair that's long enough to pull over your eyes.
- Pull your hair up into a half-up, half-down ponytail.
- Drape the ponytail over the top of your head.
- Adjust and pin the bangs close to the base of the ponytail.
- Run a comb under the bangs and style them as desired.
- Put on a loose-fitting hat.