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Asked by: Benyoussef Teissier
healthy living womens healthHow do you put in a tampon without it hurting?
- Use your thumb and middle finger to pull out both tubeswithout touching the string.
- Avoid touching the string while you are inserting thetampon because the string should be moving along with thetampon up into the vaginal canal.
- Throw away the applicator and wash your hands when you aredone.
Likewise, people ask, is it normal for a tampon to hurt when you put it in?
A tampon may hurt the first timeyou try to insert it, but it shouldn't be bad. Youshouldn't feel it once it's in, so if there still is pain ordiscomfort, you may not have inserted it correctly. A goodrule of thumb: If your tampon feels at all uncomfortable,take it out!
- Sit on the toilet with your knees apart.
- Using the tip of the tampon, open the folds of skin on yourvagina and slide the entire barrel inside, angling towards yourback.
- Insert it as far as your middle finger and thumb, at the grip– or middle – of the applicator.
Likewise, why do tampons hurt to take out?
Sometimes tampons are inserted incorrectly(usually they're not in far enough) and they feel weird. The factthat it hurt when you pulled it out is becausetampons are designed to expand in your body. When youpull out a dry tampon that's only been in your vaginaa short time, it can be uncomfortable.
Wash your hands and get into a comfortableposition. You can squat, put one leg up, or sit on the toilet withyour knees apart. Push the tampon into your vagina using theapplicator or your finger, depending on what kind of tamponyou have. Inserting a tampon in your vagina is morecomfortable if you're relaxed.