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Asked by: Rishi Talanov
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you put tar paper on a roof?
Simply so, do you put tar paper under metal roofing?
The traditional and most common material used for roof underlayment on a steep-slope metal roof is non-perforated, asphalt-impregnated felt underlayment. Depending on the demands of the architect, local building code or the metal panel manufacturer, one or two layers of non-perforated asphalt felt are used.
Additionally, how do you attach roofing felt?
Roll out about 10 feet of felt and fasten with staples or roofing nails with plastic washer heads. Use a construction stapler or a hammer. Put fasteners at least every 8 inches; some suppliers recommend staples about every 4 inches. Leave the top portion of the paper loose.
When laying sheets of tar paper, always lay the sticky, glossy side down. Tar paper's two sides are noticeably different. One side is somewhat sticky, though don't expect it to leave a glue-like residue on your hands. The other side is smooth like paper, and typically contains lettering and line markings.