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Asked by: Tiburcia Rzhanov
automotive convertibleHow do you put the back seats down in a 2010 Chevy Cobalt?
1 Answer. If its the same as my '06, and I expect it is, open the trunk lid and you will find the releases tucked up out of site just inside the top of the trunk opening. Pull on the little handles and the seat backs will release.
Then, how do you put the back seats down in a Chevy Cobalt?
- Open either rear door, and make sure the rear passenger seatbelts are disconnected.
- Push the trunk-release button next to your steering column, or use your keyless remote to open the trunk.
- Locate the two levers against the back of the rear seats inside the trunk.
- Pull one or both of the levers to unlatch the seat.
Also to know, how do you open the trunk on a 2010 Chevy Cobalt?
open the little cubbie to the left of the steering wheel on the dash, right below the fog light button, and inside the cubbie there is a trunk release button. open the little cubbie to the left of the steering wheel on the dash, right below the fog light button, and inside the cubbie there is a trunk release button.
How to Get Into a Car Through the Trunk
- Stay calm.
- Look for the safety lever or tag before you try entering the car through the rear seats.
- Find the seat release latches on the seat backs in the trunk if the car does not have a lever to release the trunk lock mechanism.
- Pull the seat release latches to unlock the car's back seats.