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Asked by: Shun Uhlin
careers resume writing and adviceHow do you react when your apology is not accepted?
Avoid becoming defensive or insulting theperson.Instead, simply say “okay” and walk away. Then,take amoment to calm down and put yourself in the other person'sshoes tounderstand why they reacted badly to the apology.Once sometime has passed, you can try apologizingagain.
In this way, what do you do when an apology is not accepted?
If they accept your apology,theneverything is ok, and you no longer have to feel bad. You wantthemto let you off the hook. Show that you are sorry bynottrying to get them to make you feel better about what youdid,learn from your actions and become a better person. Find yourownpeace with what you did.
Consequently, what to say when someone apologizes but it's not okay?
I would guess that the following are the most commontypesof responses.
- No worries.
- It's fine.
- No problem.
- Please don't let it happen again.
- Apology accepted.
- It's okay.
- Don't mention it.
- You should be, but I forgive you.
An apology is something that you say or writeinorder to tell someone that you are sorry that you have hurt themorcaused trouble for them.