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Asked by: Garnik Tabbert
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesHow do you read a bundle branch block on an ECG?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you determine if a bundle branch block is ECG?
A simple way to diagnose a left bundle branch in an ECG with a widened QRS complex (> 120 ms) would be to look at lead V1. If the QRS complex is widened and downwardly deflected in lead V1, a left bundle branch block is present.
Hereof, what is the measurement for a bundle branch block?
Measure the QRS complex counting the number of small boxes (including any fractions) and multiply by 0.04 seconds: 3.5 × 0.04 = 0.14 seconds. The QRS complex is abnormal (> 0.10 seconds). Repeat with at least 2 additional randomly selected QRS complexes. The other QRS complexes are also abnormally wide.
In people with known or suspected heart disease, right bundle branch block is associated with a greater risk of death, especially after a heart attack. Some people with right bundle branch block may ultimately need a permanent pacemaker, but this is rare.