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Asked by: Yoanka Bortolotti
religion and spirituality astrologyHow do you read your lifeline on your palm?
People also ask, do you read left or right palm?
Well, ideally,you should read both. The theory is that theleft hand shows potential, while the right hand showswhat you've done with that potential. Some palmreaders believe that “the left is what the gods giveyou, the right is what you do withit”.
Also to know, what does it mean if your life line splits?
A split life line When a life line appears to have a splitor break in it, look for sister lines on one or both sidesof the line, these lines give support to anotherwise uncertain period. A line on the inside ofthe life line would show family support and on theoutside from a non-related source.
To calculate the age of a person by usingpalmistry, start by identifying the life line, or the curvedline that starts between the thumb and index finger and runsdown towards the wrist. Next, find the heart line, locatedat the top of the palm, parallel to where the fingers meet thehand.