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Asked by: Herminia Jullien
religion and spirituality christianityHow do you receive the Holy Spirit according to the Bible?
- Get a Bible and begin to check into receiving theHoly Spirit as in the Bible.
- Look up Acts 2:38 which says, if you repent and get baptised,you will receive the Holy Spirit.
- Repent.
- Get baptised.
- Ask God to give you the Holy Spirit.
- Ask, by praying to God - using your voice to ask for theHoly Spirit.
Keeping this in view, what is the Holy Spirit according to the Bible?
He is The Creator Spirit, present before thecreation of the universe and through his power everything was madein Jesus Christ, by God the Father. For the majority of Christiandenominations, the Holy Spirit is the third Person of theHoly Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, andis Almighty God.
Similarly one may ask, what are the 7 characteristics of the Holy Spirit?
The Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are anenumeration of seven spiritual gifts originating frompatristic authors, later elaborated by five intellectual virtuesand four other groups of ethical characteristics. They are:wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, andfear of the Lord.
“The Holy Spirit is the principal agent ofthe whole of the church's mission.” Mission,the document proclaims, is rooted in the overflowing love andworld- embracing communion of the triune God.2 God ismission. That mission is the crea- tion, protection,and redemption of all creation.