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Asked by: Fiaz Evstafiev
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow do you recycle old candle wax?
Collect partially used candles.
Separate the candles by color and scentifneeded. Use a flat screwdriver or butter knife to cutthewax into small pieces. Scrape wax out of jarsorholders with a spoon and remove the wicks. Store thewaxchunks in sealed storage bags until you are ready torecyclethem.
Similarly one may ask, is candle wax recyclable?
To remove any remaining wax, put the jar inthefreezer. Once the wax freezes it is easy to pry out.Mostcandle jars are made of glass and can berecycledcurbside.
Also to know is, what can you do with used candles?
Recycle Your Old Candles into Great-SmellingNewItems
- Turn Leftover Wax into a Multi-Scented Candle.
- 2. Make Tea Lights Out of Unusable Portions.
- Use Leftover Pieces to Make Wax Melts.
- 4. Make Air Fresheners.
- Create Bug-Repellant Candles.
- Turn them into Potpourri.
If a different kind of glass is used, you canaskthe company if they accept their jars backforrecycling or reuse. Yankee Candle® already hasanestablished system, as a matter of fact. You can do thisbybaking the jars at a low temperature or meltingtheremaining wax out with boiling water.