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Asked by: Donnetta El Khattab
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove a bathroom mirror that is glued to the wall?
Use shims to pull the mirror away fromthewall. The shims will drop down and help put pressure ontheglue. Work slowly with a pull and pry bar toremovethe mirror from the wall. Wear leathergloves and eyeprotection.
Likewise, how do you remove a mirror that is glued to the wall?
Method 1 Remove a Wall Mirror withCutoutWire
- Purchase a length of cutout wire.
- Apply clear packing tape over the face of the mirror.
- Work the cutout wire behind a corner of the mirror.
- Run the cutout wire behind the mirror from the first cornertothe opposite corner.
- Lift the mirror down gently.
- Apply mastic remover to the wall with a roller, being carefultoapply it in the thickness recommended by the manufacturer.
- Let the mastic remover sit according to manufacturerdirections,then scrape the wall with a putty knife or metalscraper, removingthe adhesive.
Then, how do you remove a mirror from a bathroom wall?
Plastic mirror clips have a snap on coverthathides the screw to remove them. The cover just snaps ontothe clip and can be removed by sliding your flattipscrewdriver under the edge of the cover and prying out. Useyourvariable speed drill to remove the screws holdingthemirror clips to the wall.
Take precautions when breaking a mirror.
- Put on gloves and safety glasses.
- Place a tarp under the mirror.
- Score the mirror into sections with a glass cutter.
- Place strips of duct tape on top of the score lines.
- Cover the mirror's entire surface with carpet protectorfilm,which is available at home improvement stores.