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Asked by: Dragos Mayor
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do you remove a broken prong fuse?
Also question is, how do you remove a broken fuse?
2 Answers. In a word: pliers. Seriously, if the fuse is already trashed, grab it with a pair of needle nose pliers however you can get ahold of it and wiggle it out. It may self destruct further in the process, but you should be able to get it down to where it comes out.
Beside this, how do you remove a broken prong from an electrical outlet?
First, turn off the power to the outlet circuit. Use a small needle nose pair of pliers to grab the prong and pull it out. If the ground prong is hallow then insert a small screw driver into the space and twisting it slightly until it is wedged then pull out gently.
You can very carefully clean corrosion from otherwise good fuses with gentle strokes of the wire brush. Another way to clean corrosion from the fuse box is with rubbing alcohol and cotton balls. However, the cotton may stick to the connectors and will need to be removed before reinserting the fuses.