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Asked by: Valmir Sergent
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove a carburetor from a Troy Bilt?
How to Replace the Carburetor on a Troy-Bilt TB130 Lawn Mower
- Remove the air filter cover and air filter. Unsnap the outer air filter cover and pull it and the air filter away from the engine.
- Remove the air filter base.
- Turn off the fuel.
- Remove the fuel line.
- Remove the throttle linkage.
- Remove the carburetor.
Also asked, how do you clean a Briggs and Stratton carburetor?
How to Clean & Repair Carburetors on Briggs & Stratton Small Engines
- Check the air-flow to the carburetor.
- Clean the air filter with a shop vacuum or replace it with a new one.
- Remove the fuel line from the fuel tank and look for blockages in the line.
- Remove the spark plug and inspect the plug for charring or moisture.
Beside above, how do you clean a carburetor?
How to Clean a Carburetor 101
- Turn off the petcock.
- Drain the fuel bowl(s)
- Remove the bowl(s)
- Clean the bowl(s)
- Remove the jets.
- Clean the jets.
- Reassemble with fresh gaskets.
Set the throttle to fast and start the mower engine. Turn the high speed screw first clockwise until the engine slows, then counterclockwise until it slows. Locate the center point where the engine idles best. Move the throttle from slow to fast then back to slow to test the adjustment.