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Asked by: Yanzhen Blankenforth
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove black walnut stains from concrete?
In a bucket, mix one part bleach with two partswater.Apply the bleach mixture to the stained areas and allow it tosetfor a few minutes. Scrub the area with a stiff broom orscrubbrush, depending on the size of the stains. Rinse theareathoroughly with a hose or power washer.
In this manner, how do you remove walnut stains from concrete?
How to Remove Walnut Stains From Concrete
- Put on your eye protection, rubber gloves and rubberboots.
- Wet the walnut stains on the concrete with a garden hose.
- Pour a gallon of hot water into a bucket.
- Scour the stained areas well with the liquid solution andastiff scrub brush for a minute or two.
- Scrub and loosen the black algae on the affected concrete,usingthe push broom with short strokes and heavy pressure.
- Prepare a strong detergent solution.
- Saturate the black algae with the solution without any ofitspilling over onto nearby plants.
- Leave the bleach solution to sit for 20 minutes.
Considering this, how do you remove black walnut stains from skin?
- Wash your hands thoroughly, using a good quality soap andwarmwater. This will help remove any residue that may be adding tothestain.
- Apply lemon juice. You can squeeze the juice of one lemon oruseroughly a half-cup of commercial lemon juice.
- Follow up with a round of cooking oil.
- Wash up.
Get those unsightly grease, oil, and transmissionfluidstains off your concrete driveway or garagefloor.Spray them with oven cleaner. Let it settle for5-10minutes, then scrub with a stiff brush and rinse it off withyourgarden hose at its highest pressure. Severe stainsmayrequire a second application.