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Asked by: Marietou Rochard
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you remove brown stains from enamel bath?
- Pour 1 tbsp. of liquid dishwashing soap into 1 qt.
- Place 1 cup of baking soda into a large bowl. Add enoughwarmwater to create a thick paste.
- Treat any remaining stains with a combination of creamoftartar and 3 percent hydrogen peroxide.
Simply so, how do you clean a badly stained bathtub?
For acrylic and enamel bathtubs, spraythestains with white vinegar or lemon juice and let themsitfor 10-20 minutes. Then, wipe the stains away with asponge.If you have a porcelain bathtub, spread a mixtureofhydrogen peroxide and cream of tartar over the stainsandleave it on for 10 minutes.
Correspondingly, what is the fastest way to clean a dirty bathtub?
Simply add equal parts dish soap and vinegar to aspraybottle, shake it up, and spray it on. You don't need to let itsitlong unless you have really tough stains. When you wipe it away(noscrubbing required), you're left with a sparklingcleanbathtub!
The stains in your toilet, sink, and tubarecaused by what is in your water. The following are themostcommon culprits: Reddish-brown stains: These typesofstains are usually caused by dissolved iron inyourwater. Once this iron is exposed to oxygen, it forms ironoxide,which gives it the reddish-brown color.