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Asked by: Dorleta Tortorel
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow do you remove caulking from tiles?
Correspondingly, how do you soften caulk for removal?
Once you soften the caulk, it's easier toscrape it away from the wall or tile. Remove the softenedcaulk carefully, using a putty knife to pull it gently outof the spaces between the tile and tub or sink. You can also use aspecial caulk remover tool or a utility knife to separatethe caulk from the tub or sink.
Beside above, how do you remove caulk residue?
How to Remove Silicone Caulk Residue
- Use a razor blade to scrape off as much of the residue aspossible without scratching the surface you are cleaning.
- Apply mineral spirits or denatured alcohol.
- Brush away any bits that "pill" and become detached.
- Repeat this process until all the caulk residue isremoved.
Silicone caulk has an odor that resemblesvinegar because, like vinegar, it contains aceticacid. Consequently, white vinegar is another solvent you canuse to soften it. It may not work as well as mineral spirits oralcohol, but it poses little danger to the substrate to which thecaulk adheres.