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Asked by: Drame Dobretsky
style and fashion deodorant and antiperspirantHow do you remove deodorant from underarms?
How To Remove Antiperspirant from Skin
- Pour some baking soda into a bowl.
- Add warm water to the bowl until it makes a thick spreadablepaste.
- Take your mixture into the shower and spread it over the areawith the antiperspirant residue.
- Take a wet washcloth and rub the paste off.
- Once the paste is off, rinse the area completely in theshower.
People also ask, how do you get rid of deodorant buildup on armpits?
How to Take Deodorant Out Of Clothing
- Vinegar Dip a sponge into some white vinegar.
- Ammonia Soak the garment for 15 minutes in a mixture of onequart of lukewarm water, ½ teaspoon liquid hand-dishwashingdetergent and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
- Alcohol based cleansers Rubbing alcohol works well at removingspray-deodorant stains.
Keeping this in consideration, how do I stop my armpits from smelling?
- Apply an antiperspirant at bedtime.
- Keep your underarms dry.
- Try a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to fight bodyodor.
- If sweat from working out is your No. 1 cause of body odor,wash your workout clothes often.
- Change your diet.
Just pour a bit of vinegar directly onto thestain, and rub it into the fabric before placing the item inthe wash. You can also remove deodorant stains from yourwashable shirts and blouses by gently rubbing the spot withundiluted vinegar before laundering.