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Asked by: Ferhat Greensag
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove modeling clay residue?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you get modeling clay out of fabric?
Scrape off as much clay as possible.Useice cubes to chill the clay making it easier to scrapeaway.Saturate a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and blot thestainedarea. If stain persists, rub liquid dish soap into the stainandwash as normal.
Also question is, how do you get modeling clay off a table?
How to remove Modeling Clay from finishedwood(paneling, paint, stain, varnish) Spray the stained area withAllPurpose cleaner and wipe with paper towels. If stainpersists,dampen a sponge with warm water and liquid dish soap towork thearea in a circular motion. Rinse with water.
Method 2 Using micropore tape
- Scrape as much of the plasticine off as possible.
- Cut or pull off a piece of micropore tape.
- Apply the sticky part onto the plasticine stain.
- Pull the tape backwards.
- Repeat as often as necessary to remove all the plasticinefromthe wall, garment or object.