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Asked by: Marey Valencia
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove print stains from clothes?
- Find an alcohol-based hairspray. Hairspray is an unlikelybuteffective stain remover that you can use toremoveyour ink stain.
- Spot test an inconspicuous area.
- Spray the stain with hairspray.
- Let the hairspray set.
- Blot the stain with a clean cloth.
Moreover, how do you get dried ink stains out of clothes?
Removing Dry Ink Stains
- Apply alcohol-based hand sanitizer to the stain and let itsoakin for a few minutes.
- Apply Clorox2® directly to the stain, wait 5-10minutes,then wash in the hottest water recommended with detergent +moreClorox2®. Allow the item to air dry and check forsuccess.
Hereof, how do you remove marker stains from clothes?
Dip a cloth or sponge in rubbing alcohol and dabfirstaround the stain, then directly on it. You should seetheink transfer to the paper towel underneath the stain.Changethe paper towel often so that the paper can absorb the color.Afterthe stain is removed, wash the clothing asdirectedin the washing machine.
Thankfully, an overnight soak in a bowl of milkandvinegar may just do the trick to break down theinkand save your clothes. Over at Re-Nest, theyproposeremoving offending ink stains fromshirts andother clothing by soaking the stainedcloth in alarge bowl with two parts whole milk and one partwhitevinegar.