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Asked by: Brenda Husemann
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you remove rubber marks from porcelain?
- Rub the scuff mark with a dry paper towel as afirstattempt at removing it.
- Fill a small bucket or bowl with warm water and a few drops ofamild detergent, such as dish soap, to removestubbornscuff marks.
- Dip a soft, clean brush or a cloth into thesoapywater.
Also asked, how do I remove metal marks from porcelain?
How to Clean Metal Scratches Off of PorcelainTile
- Add a few drops of water to baking soda in a container untilthebaking soda takes on a paste-like consistency.
- Apply the paste to the stained area and scrub it acrossthesurface or into the scratch with a damp non-abrasive scrubbingpador soft-bristled brush.
- Rinse the baking soda and metal particles away from tile.
Beside above, how do you remove rubber stains from a toilet bowl?
- The best toilet bowl cleaner I've ever used iscalledSaniflush.
- Put a cup of mouthwash in the toilet water and let it sitforabout 24 hours; the rubber marks will then come off easily withawipe.
- Have you tried Methylated Spirits use with old rag orcottonwool this should remove the stain´s.
Warnings. Do not use pumice stones tocleanmarble, laminate, plastic or fiberglass toilets; doingsowill result in permanent scratches. Adrypumice stone will also scratch porcelain,sobe sure to keep the stone and the toilet surface wet atalltimes.