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Asked by: Diouf Bakradze
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove rust from a dishwasher door?
Regarding this, how do I get rust stains out of my dishwasher?
If there are rust stains in yourdishwasher you can clean them quite easily by combiningbaking soda with hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Applythe paste with a sponge and then remove it with a cloth.You'll want to be wearing rubber gloves, especially if yourskin is sensitive.
Considering this, is Rust in dishwasher dangerous?
While it is possible that rust may transfer tothe dishes and pans washed in the unit, the amount of rustthat generally transfers is undetectable. But the majordanger of rust lies in the dishwasher itself.When rust comes off the metal, it may clog dishwashercomponents and make the unit stop working.
To clean your dishwasher, remove thedishwashing rinse agent and pour a 1/2 cup of CLRCalcium, Lime & Rust Remover directly into the bottom of yourempty dishwasher. You can leave the racks in thedishwasher, but remove any glasses, dishes or flatware. Runa normal cycle followed by an extra rinse cycle.