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Asked by: Ahinoa Avramenko
home and garden home appliancesHow do you remove rust from dinnerware?
A rust stain can stand out and make your dishes lookdirty.
- Set the plate on a flat surface.
- Pour white vinegar directly onto the stain so that it's coveredwith a small puddle.
- Allow the area to soak for at least 10 minutes.
- Wash the plate with warm, soapy water to rinse away the vinegarand rust.
Also know, how do you get rust stains off China?
How to Remove Rust Marks on China
- Wet the stained china.
- Sprinkle baking soda directly onto the rust stain.
- Squeeze the juice of one-half of a lemon onto the baking sodato make a paste.
- Allow the baking soda and the lemon juice to sit on the stainfor at least two hours.
- Rub gently at the stained area with a damp sponge.
In this way, how do you remove rust from ceramic?
Mix equal parts lemon juice and borax as another optionfor removing rust stains from ceramic tile. Mix equalparts salt and white vinegar as yet another cleaningalternative; allow it to stand for three or four hours beforescrubbing. Apply a pumice stone to rust stains to removethem.
How to Remove Stains From A Porcelain Sink
- Sprinkle baking soda or scouring powder onto the stain andscrub it with a damp cloth or scrub brush.
- Spray any stains with 1 part bleach to 4 parts water in a spraybottle.
- Remove soap-scum stains with equal parts white vinegar and warmwater.
- Absorb grease or oil stains with a paste made of scouringpowder and water.