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Asked by: Viridiana Kiedrowski
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do you remove the blade from a circular saw?
Accordingly, what is a blade wrench?
Blade Wrench. The metal blade wrench is used to tighten and loosen the blade bolt when changing the saw's blade.
Thereof, where is the arbor lock on a circular saw?
Place the saw on a wooden surface and pull back the blade guard. If the saw has an arbor lock button on the top of the housing, press it in. The arbor is the shaft the blade installs on. If there's no lock button, press the blade into the wooden surface.
The most common cause of wobble like this is that the bearings or bushings are worn out. These are the things that hold the main shaft in place. They should be a close fit to the shaft, and the shaft rotates within them. When they are worn out, there is too much room and the shaft flops around or wobbles.