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Asked by: Gertrudis Prechtl
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingHow do you remove turmeric oil stains?
Moreover, how do you get turmeric out of carpet?
Place a folded cloth over the stain and pressdowngently. This will remove excess moisture and help prevent thestainfrom setting deeply. Mix 1 tbsp. each of dish liquid andbakingsoda in a cup of water.
Similarly, you may ask, how do you get rid of oil stains on clothes?
Use a little liquid dishwashing detergent (the kindyouuse for hand washing dishes) to pretreat the stains.Apply afew drops to each stain and let it soak in, rubbingitgently to help work it all the way in if you need to. Wait5minutes, and then rinse with warm water. .
There is very little risk to using turmericforteeth whitening. Of course, make sure you'renotallergic to turmeric before using it. It's recommendedthatyou avoid using turmeric powder for teethwhiteningmore than once per day. Though not a health risk,turmericstains things easily.