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Asked by: Ibrahin Zillekens
hobbies and interests candle and soap makingHow do you remove wax from parquet floor?
In respect to this, how do you remove wax from a hardwood floor?
Fold a clean cloth or rag in half and work the mineral spirits into the wax. Use a circular motion to scrub the wax from the floor. Wipe the floor dry with a second cloth and apply the mineral spirits a second time. Wipe the floor with a cloth.
One may also ask, how do you strip a parquet floor?
Pour the odorless mineral spirit over the area and using the #3 steel wool, rub the floor in the direction of the wood grain. Replace the steel wool pads as they become covered in wax. As you are rubbing the floor with the steel wool, use a clean rag to wipe up the removed wax immediately.
Directions for use: First remove any dust from the floor. Remove layers of soiled wax with HG Parquet, Wooden Floor and Hardwood Wax Remover. Apply HG Parquet, Wooden Floor and Hardwood Wax Natural thinly and evenly and rub it in. When the HG Parquet Wax is dry, polish (buff) the floor to bring up a shine.