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Asked by: Balduino Monescillo
home and garden home appliancesHow do you replace a Bradford White thermocouple?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you replace a thermocouple?
How to Replace a Water Heater's Thermocouple
- Turn off the gas supply.
- Unfasten the three nuts that hold the thermocouple and the two gas tubes to the valve.
- Detach the thermocouple from the burner.
- Install the new one the same way that you removed the old one.
- Turn the gas back on and follow the lighting instructions on the water heater.
Simply so, how much does it cost to replace a thermocouple on a water heater?
The No. 1 cause of pilot lights that won't stay lit is a worn-out thermocouple. It's easy to replace and a new one costs $5 to $10. Rather than trying to unfasten the thermocouple inside the water heater's burning chamber, it's easier to remove the whole burner and thermocouple assembly.
Thermocouples can last several years, but they don't typically last as long as the furnace itself. If the pilot remains lit, but the main furnace doesn't stay lit, it's time to replace the thermocouple.