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Asked by: Guomei Espach
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do you replace a low pressure switch?
- Step 1: Locate the A/C pressure switch.
- Step 1: Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Step 2: Remove the switch electrical connector.
- Step 3: Remove the switch.
- Step 1: Install the new switch.
- Step 2: Reinstall the electrical connector.
- Step 3: Reinstall the negative battery cable.
- Step 4: Test the A/C.
Considering this, where is the low pressure switch located?
The low side service valve is located in the line that runs from the compressor through the evaporator (firewall) and up to the condensor on the low pressure (suction) side of the system.
- Inspect the terminals on the pressure switch. If any of them are burnt or badly discolored, then you should replace the switch.
- Set the voltmeter or multimeter to display AC volts.
- Touch one of the probes from the meter to either one of the terminals on the pressure switch.
- Check the voltage reading on the meter.
Also question is, how do I know if my AC low pressure switch is bad?
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing AC Pressure Switch
- AC system cutting on and off rapidly. Repeatedly cycling on and off is part of the normal operation of an AC system.
- Unable to cool the car. If either of the AC pressure switches fails, then the system will have a difficult time maintaining the pressure required to function properly.
- Compressor not coming on.
The average cost for an air conditioning refrigerant pressure switch replacement is between $130 and $164. Labor costs are estimated between $52 and $67 while parts are priced between $78 and $97. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. When would you like to drop off your car?