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Asked by: Gonzaga Mattsson
style and fashion bath and showerHow do you replace an overflow gasket in a bathtub?
- Use a utility knife or scraping tool to removeanyexisting caulking from around the edge of the overflowcoverplate.
- Remove the overflow cover plate withascrewdriver.
- Locate the old overflow gasket.
- Install the new overflow gasket by centering itinthe overflow opening.
Considering this, what is an overflow drain for bathtub?
An opening is cut along the interior ofthebathtub to divert extra water between the walls and senditdown the tub drain. This is a valuable option for thosenotwanting exposed piping in their space, since theoverflowchannel is built into the tub's innerwall.
One may also ask, how do you remove an overflow from a bathtub?
Remove the cover plate on a bathtub drain overflow withnohole in the faceplate by unscrewing it from thepipethreads.
- Feel under the bottom edge of the faceplate for a smallsetscrew.
- Remove the screw with a Phillips-head screwdriver orAllenwrench, depending on the type of head.
P-traps are S-shaped pipe components thatkeeptoxic sewer gases from escaping into your residence. Theyarerequired on all plumbing fixtures, including sinks, tubsandshowers. A bathtub trap begins at the end of thetubdrain assembly, where it is glued onto a fitting screwedto thedrain outlet.