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Asked by: Roslyn Cerreda
home and garden interior decoratingHow do you replace one travertine tile?
Keeping this in consideration, how do you match travertine tiles?
Epoxy glue comes in a variety of colors and can often be matched to whatever color your travertine tile is. All you need to do is apply a thin strip of the colored epoxy glue to the cracked tile, and sand out until it is smooth.
Beside this, does travertine floor tiles crack easily?
Travertine tiles are very durable (water and moisture resistant). All you need to do is to give them a good care and maintain properly. They do not crack easily when you handle it with care. Since travertine is natural stone, it might have holes on it.
Travertine Floors for Today's Interiors Travertine is a natural stone, and in my mind that can't be beat. While it certainly can look outdated when paired with certain materials (think red toned cabinets, old-world materials) it can also add aged character when paired with more current, or even classic looks.