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Asked by: Alseny Benjumea
home and garden home appliancesHow do you replace the glass on a GE microwave?
Beside this, can you replace the glass on a microwave?
Buy replacement glass for your microwave. Replacement glass can be found online at specialty shops like AP Wagner or Repair Clinic. Replacement glass can also be found at retail shops that specialize in appliances. The microwave's owner's manual will have the proper size for the glass.
Similarly, it is asked, can you still use a microwave if the glass door is broken?
If there is a small crack in the glass itself, then you can still use your microwave. You will also have a problem if the mesh is sandwiched inside the glass. If the metal mesh is damaged or you just want to be safe rather than sorry, you may be able to find a replacement door for your microwave.
Yes. If there is a big enough break in the seal around the door, or elsewhere in the oven, microwave radiation can leak out.