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Asked by: Earlene Baratech
automotive auto partsHow do you replace windshield wiper linking bushings?
How to Install Wiper Linkage Bushings
- Pull the wipers straight out away fromthewindshield.
- Pull up the screen on the front of the windshield ofthevehicle to access the wiper assembly.
- Pop the hood and disassemble the rods and pivots.
- Push the bushings into the rod holes with a pairofpliers.
Herein, how do you change windshield wiper bushings?
How to Replace Chrysler Wiper Bushings
- Step 1: Remove the Wipers.
- Step 2: Remove the Cowl.
- Step 3: Remove the Screen.
- Step 4: Diagram the Wiper Assembly.
- Step 5: Take It Out.
- Step 5: Clean Everything Up.
- Step 6: Disassemble the Rods and Pivots.
- Step 7: Install the New Bushings, and Reassemble theWiperLinkage.
Thereof, how do you change a windshield wiper linkage?
How to Replace the Windshield Wiper Linkage
- Pull the windshield wiper arm up and away from thewindshielduntil the wiper arms lock in a vertical position.
- Unbolt the nut that holds the wiper arm to the wiperlinkageusing a socket wrench.
- Pull the wiper arm off the wiper linkage.
- Open the hood and locate the wiper motor on your vehicle.
The average cost for a windshieldwipermotor replacement is between $336 and $398. Labor costsareestimated between $81 and $103 while parts are priced between$255and $295.