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Asked by: Kaitlin Iñarrea
automotive auto infotainment technologiesHow do you reset the radio on a Honda Accord?
- Turn the ignition key to the "On" position, but don't start theengine.
- Turn the radio on by pressing in on the volume controlknob. After 10 seconds, turn the radio off. Press and holdthe power button for two to five seconds and watch the radiodisplay.
In respect to this, how do I get the radio code for my Honda Accord?
Press the preset buttons 1 and 6 at the same time whileturning on the radio. A 10 digit serial number will appearon the radio display. If you have a 2001 or olderHonda the serial number is located on the body of theradio unit. the radio unit will have to be removed tosee the code.
Besides, how do you reset the radio on a 2007 Honda Accord?
Press and hold preset button 1 & 6 downsimultaneously for 15 - 20 seconds. While still holding thosebuttons, press the power button. You should now see "U" and a 4digit number(ex: Uxxxx), then it should toggle and show "L" and a 4digit numbers (ex:Lyyyy). Your radio's serial number isxxxxyyyy.