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Asked by: Jung Goldschmitt
family and relationships datingHow do you respond when someone says it's a pleasure talking with you?
Likewise, how do you respond to it's a pleasure talking to you?
As a simple reply, you can use"Thepleasure is mine". I usually respond tosuchstatements with something like that. If it feels a bit tooformal,you can always just say "Same here" asMauliksuggested.
Similarly one may ask, what to reply for pleasure is all mine?
If you say the pleasure is all yours, itmeansthat you reply to 'Thank you'. Pleasuremeanspositive emotions, and mine means 'my'. So, when yousay thepleasure is all yours, you mean that you hadgoodemotions.
I agree completely. "Nice to talk toyou"more often means "It will be nice to talk toyou, nowthat we've finally met", and is said at the beginningof theconversation, whereas "nice talking to you" means"Ourconversation has been very good", and is said attheend.