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Asked by: Yackeline Caraballo
hobbies and interests paintingHow do you revive a brick fireplace?
Moreover, how do you shine a brick fireplace?
Spray your bricks with vinegar and water iftheyaren't too old. Mix equal parts of vinegar and warm water inaspray bottle and spray the bricks with this solution.Spraythe bricks again after a few minutes, then scrub themin acircular motion with a scrub brush. Rinse the brickswithwarm water once you're done.
Consequently, how do you clean and restore brick?
- Vacuum any dust and dirt. Use a vacuum cleaner with abrushattachment to suck away dirt and dust.
- Get the brick wet before using any cleaners.
- Scrub the brick with a mixture of dish soap and tablesalt.
- Use a sealant to keep the brick in good condition.
Choose indoor, latex, heatresistantpaint—either flat, semigloss, orgloss—rated towithstand temperatures generated by thefireplace (generallyabout 200°F) and a roller designedfor textured surfaces. Thelatter helps cover the surface of thebrick, which is likelynot smooth.