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Asked by: Humaira Aras
hobbies and interests drawing and sketchingHow do you revive old erasers?
Similarly one may ask, what can you do with old erasers?
10 Brilliant Ways To Repurpose Your OldGardenHose You can repair scratch marks on a flat screenTVwith a clean, soft eraser. Gently rub the eraseronthe scratch and wipe with a clean cloth. Repeat until thescratchdisappears. Use a the eraser end of a pencil to markadepression for planting seeds.
Also know, why do erasers get hard?
And erasers work, in turn, because thepolymersthat make them up are stickier than the particles ofpaper—sographite particles end up getting stuck to theeraserinstead. They're almost like stickymagnets.
If it's made improperly, then yes, there will beleeching– of the container itself, as its molecular bondsbreak downand it melts under the heat of the microwaveoven. In thatscenario, it will be abundantly clear to you that youshould not eatwhatever food you just tried to warmup.