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Asked by: Kanwal Talamino
business and finance environmental services industryHow do you rotate garden crops?
Keeping this in view, should you rotate crops in your garden?
One of the rules of good organicgardening is to rotate plant families from oneseason to the next, as best you can, so relatedcrops are not planted in the same spot more oftenthan every three years or so. Rotating the space to anotherunrelated crop deprives the potato pathogens ofthe host plant they require.
Also asked, what crops to rotate with tomatoes?
How to Practice Crop Rotation
- Solanaceous crops including both tomatoes and potatoes, peppersand eggplants, capsicums and chillies.
- Cruciferous crops including cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli,Brussels sprouts and kale.
Crop Rotation – The Three Year CropRotation Plan. This is the basic standard crop rotationfavoured by many gardeners because of its simplicity. The problemwith this crop rotation system is that it assumes you willbe growing a lot of roots, potatoes and brassicas.