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Asked by: Malcolm Lipuzkoa
technology and computing databasesHow do you run a query in Business Objects?
Thereof, how do you create a query in Business Objects?
To create a query simply drag and drop data from the left side panel to the select area. if you want to create a filter, then you need to drop your object in the where are instead, Finally to run the query just click on the refresh data button.
In this manner, how do I view SQL in Business Objects?
Select a user you want to view the SQL with, click on "Configuration" tab, double click "WebIntelligence", then click on "Query and Web Panel". There is a value, "View SQL" - that needs to be enabled.
Business Objects Reporting is a tool used by companies to collate and disseminate valuable information to employees or management to make key decisions. It is also used to provide intelligent information to people outside the organization, such as customers or vendors.