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Asked by: Aleksander Berciano
books and literature fictionHow do you say all the colors in Spanish?
How to say the colors in Spanish
- Anaranjado - Orange.
- Amarillo - Yellow.
- Azul - Blue.
- Rojo - Red.
- Verde - Green.
- Negro - Black.
- Marrón, Café - Brown.
- Rosado - Pink.
Likewise, people ask, how do you say the colors in Spanish?
- Say rojo, pronounced roh-hoh.
- Use naranja or anaranjado to say "orange" in Spanish.
- Pronounce amarillo ah-mah-REE-yo to describesomethingyellow.
- Use "verde" to talk about something that is green.
- Say azul, pronounced AH-sool, to describe something blue.
Furthermore, what color is Morado in English?
morado: purple; lilac;lavender;violet.
Definition of marron. 1 : spanish chestnutsense1. 2 marrons ma-?ˈrōn(z) plural : chestnutsandespecially Spanish chestnuts preserved invanilla-flavoredsyrup.