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Asked by: Yinuo Aupetit
automotive off road vehiclesHow do you say hello in Native American Cherokee?
People also ask, what is hello in Native American?
The word "How" or "Howgh" is a word used asagreeting, or particle in the sense of I have spoken, insomeNative American languages, and in theirpopularrepresentations. It is a part of popular depictions ofNativeAmericans in various novels, e.g. those of JamesFenimoreCooper or Karl May.
Hereof, what language did the Cherokee speak?
Cherokee is an Iroquoian language, andtheonly Southern Iroquoian language spokentoday.
The Cherokee, or Tsalagi, are aNativeAmerican Indian tribe originally hailing from the areanearnorthern Georgia and North Carolina. The term "Cherokee"isactually a Creek Indian word meaning "people withanotherlanguage."