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Asked by: Beronica Barreal
home and garden interior decoratingHow do you seal the gap between French doors?
Accordingly, how do you seal gaps on a French door?
Align your French doors with the frame. You can do this by tightening the hinges or removing and replacing them. Put adhesive weatherstripping foam around the door frame where the French doors touch. Look for cracks in your door, especially around glass panes, and fill them with caulking.
Beside this, how do you seal a gap between double doors?
Double doors often require a hardware device known as an "astragal." The astragal helps seal the gap between pairs of doors, and is used to block sound or air drafts. Before you install an astragal, you must first determine how your doors are configured, as well as what size astragal you need to use.
Weatherproofing Double Doors or French Doors
- Adjust the doors. Check to make sure that each of the two doors is hung in correct alignment.
- Install weatherstripping.
- Fill the door gap.
- Check for gaps in window panes.
- Install a door sweep.